Psychotherapy for menopause

Psychotherapy for menopause

In the modern world, a woman often has to lead an active lifestyle. After 40 years, she, as a rule, is at the peak of her career, occupies a worthy official position, enjoys authority among colleagues. Naturally, she does not want to lose her social status. And therefore it is very painful to perceive the deterioration of general well-being due to age-related changes in the body.

In addition, the woman is often in a state of psychological stress. This is due to the fact that most women in this period of life have problems with growing children and aging parents.

Menopause is a physiological feature of the female body, therefore, in a healthy woman, it should not be accompanied by significant disturbances. Some women have vegetative-vascular changes: pain in the heart, migraine, irritability, insomnia, hot flashes, etc.

Calm + competent treatment
It is possible to soften the course of menopause by observing the regimen, diet, increasing resistance to stress. Sleep should be long enough, irritating and exciting substances, alcoholic beverages must be excluded from food. Moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, active communication with others are also important. If the described measures are insufficient and the menopause proceeds with obvious disorders in the state of health, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The appointment of sedatives, therapeutic exercises, warm pine baths before bedtime is often sufficient to improve the general condition of a woman.

However, in any case, functional changes in menopause can last for a long time and rarely go unnoticed. Sometimes they become so pronounced that they acquire the character of pathological symptoms. Therefore, in such cases, they no longer speak so much about menopause as about climacteric disorders. In this case, in some cases, it is necessary to prescribe hormonal drugs, psychotherapy. Hot flashes can cause sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep at night), resulting in tiredness, fatigue, apathy, irritability, and even depression. Sleep disturbances, sweating and tremors can lead to significant restrictions in a woman’s daily life.

At the heart of changes in a woman’s body is a physiological decrease in the synthesis of female sex hormones. In particular, in the central nervous system, estrogens are actively involved in the metabolism and nutrition of neurons, providing a certain level of their functional state. As a result of neuroendocrine changes, there are rearrangements in the plasticity of the response of the nerve cell, a decrease in the threshold levels of excitation. In simple terms: most emotional experiences, previously perceived as “little things in life”, become more relevant, acquiring the character of an “apocalypse”.

It is necessary to think about the woman’s environment. How many relatives and friends are able to understand and support in difficult times? The answer to this question is not always pleasant. A large number of quarrels, scandals in the family and even divorces during this period are associated, first of all, with impaired response and “pathological” response to a common stimulus.

Understanding the processes occurring in the body makes it possible to prevent potential stressful situations in time. An incorrect attitude towards the natural age period often leads to neuroses, depression, and in some cases – to psychotic disorders, which may be the reason for referral to a specialized hospital. It is the depressive state that can determine the pathological course of menopause.

Pathological menopause, or climacteric syndrome, is a condition characterized by a complex combination of neuropsychic and endocrine-metabolic disorders. The decisive symptoms that make it possible to consider the diagnosis of climacteric syndrome reliable are: vegetative-vascular disorders (the most common are “hot flashes”, sweating, palpitations, dizziness, noise in the head and ears; less often chronic tension headache, cardialgia)
psychoneurotic disorders (night sleep disturbances, panic attacks)
menstrual irregularities
menopause period (age)
elimination of the manifestations of the disease as a result of the use of pathogenetic hormonal therapy.

Vegetative and other disorders in women in menopause are caused, first of all, by changes in hormonal levels. Pathological menopause is accompanied by an increase in the level of anxiety and a tendency to depressive reactions. Subjectively, these disorders can be so pronounced that they require the appointment of hormone replacement therapy in combination with psychotherapy and psychotropic drugs.

The main task of the doctor during this period is psychotherapeutic correction, the purpose of which is to normalize a woman’s self-perception, to reduce the level of stress. Psychotherapy in general, and methods – psychoregulation sessions, hypnosuggative psychotherapy, teaching patients methods of psychic self-regulation (autogenous training, relaxation) can be very effective.

Classes with a psychotherapist for women suffering from pathological menopause, allows you to achieve a positive effect without the use of a significant amount of hormone replacement and psychotropic drugs.

In modern society, with each generation, an active lifestyle is being promoted more and more in middle, elderly and even senile age. It is difficult to argue with this and therefore it remains to follow this positive trend. It is activity: physical, mental, emotional, that helps to maintain good health during this period.

The processes of physiological aging in a woman’s body can cause different attitudes towards them, some consider this to be normal and continue life taking into account the changes that arise, others do not want to deviate from what has been achieved and want to continue their usual way of life. Both in the first and in the second case, a full-fledged bright life is possible, full of feelings, experiences, strong emotions, as well as the continuation of work and the strengthening of family values.